Here's a brief signpost for regular readers as to what I've added to the site recently:
June 2023: In the Gallery of Choice Sceats captions have been added to each individual slide rather than all the capitons being shown in a separate section below.
April 2023: BNS blog article on a new Canterbury gold shilling of Eadbald added here.
A. Information sources and links
B. PDFs of images of fakes by eBay supplier
C. Gallery of images
I have launched ‘Series E Simplified’, a visual identification guide to the huge and extremely complex Series E sceats from the Low Countries. This should allow visitors to my website to identify their ‘porcupines’ by a simple visual comparison. The guide cannot be comprehensive as the series is so huge and varied. I would like feedback on how useful this identification tool is. It can be downloaded here:
I have added all 3,000 images of fakes, forgeries and fascimiles to the Anglo-Saxon Counterfeits page (see under the heading Books). These are archived as PDFs which may be downloaded for viewing.
I have re-organised the pages to give a more condensed index. Please search under BOOKS, ARTICLES AND VIDEOS, RESOURCES, AUCTION and GENERAL for individual pages.
There is a lot of positive feedback on the new catalogue Gold Coins of Anglo-Saxon England, at the foot of this page. I have now added the first review, from Luke Mundy of the YouTube channel The Hammered Corner.
The Early Medieval Numismatic Bibliography has been updated to include The International Numismatic Councils' Survey of Numismatic Research 2014-2020, volume I & II. The new listing of over 3,900 titles is attached as a PDF but is available in other formats here.
At the foot of the page on Anglo-Saxon Counterfeits I have included a number of links to suspect sites on eBay.
I am pleased to direct readers to Chris Kutler's archaeological mapping site ARCHI Maps where my books are reviewed and recommended.
I have opened a Gallery of Choice Sceats for readers to submit their best-of-class early Anglo-Saxon coins for display. Preferably, images submitted should be superior to those in Gold Coins of Anglo-Saxon England or Sceatta List. Submission of images implies a general image use permission has been granted.
My new 160-page, copiously illustrated catalogue Gold Coins of Anglo-Saxon England is now on sale from me at £30 including P&P (UK).
I have added Mike Vosper's Name & Shame list of disruputable eBay dealers at the foot of the Counterfeits page.
Maybe you can help me!? See REQUEST II - it's a little new venture that needs your support and encouragement!
I have recently separated the Introduction to Sceatta List from the page of New Varieties. It's always worth browsing through for additions to the varities of sceats and stycas.
I've added a route to obtaining from me a few useful numismatic-specific fonts which might be useful for adding a professional gloss to any articles or publications, such as posting to the BNS Research Note Blog.
A temporary page REQUEST I asks successful bidders at Spink's recent auctions of my early Anglo-Saxon collection to advise me which lots they won.
I've added further, very gratifying, feedback on Anglo-Saxon Counterfeits.
I've added PDFs of interviews and articles in Spink's Insider, Coin News and Coin Collector magazine.
I have added a Resources page including:
1. The Patrick Finn Sceatta Index and Analysis – A Collector’s Perspective
Extracted from Studies in Early Medieval Coinage, Volume 1
This includes my spreadsheet analysing all of Patrick's offers of sceats by conventional sceatta series.
2. Catalogue of the early Anglo-Saxon cabinet of Professor Wim de Wit
acquired by the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge in 2007.
Extracted from Studies in Early Medieval Coinage, Volume 2
This includes my spreadsheet re-arranging the catalogue into the conventional sceatta series.
3. BNJ Coin Register Sceat Index 1987 to 2009 arranged by conventional series by Tony Abramson.
Extracted from Studies in Early Medieval Coinage, Volume 2
This includes my spreadsheet re-arranging the register into the conventional sceatta series.
Above Aethelred/Ceolbald image courtesy of Alex Bliss. See 80-50 in New Varieties.