The following articles have been published by Tony Abramson. Some are available as PDFs on request by email.
Articles etc.
1997, 'The Yorkshire Coiners', The Yorkshire Numismatist, vol. 3, p. 85-96.
1999, 'White's Black Museum', YNS Coin Fair Brochure.
2002, 'A second Wolf Head/Running Fledgling sceat', SNC 110, p. 335.
2008, 'Some New Types', Studies in Early Medieval Coinage, volume 1 (SiEMC1), p. 31-44.
2008, 'The Beowulf Collection', SiEMC1, p. 125-154.
2008, 'The Patrick Finn Sceatta Index and Analysis: A Collector's Perspective', SiEMC1, p. 155-196.
2011, 'The Wim de Wit collection of sceattas in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge', SiEMC2, p. 47-60.
2011, 'BNJ Coin Register Sceatta Index', SiEMC2, p. 217-61.
2012, 'The Roman influence on early Anglo-Saxon Coinage', Yorkshire Numismatist, vol. 4, p. 73-104.
2012, 'Sceats: how do we assess their success?', Yorkshire Numismatist, vol. 4, p105-134.
2012, Preface 'The Lorin Kay Collection of Northumbrian Stycas', Yorkshire Numismatist, vol. 4, 305-10.
Popular magazine articles
Coins & Antiquities
July 1999, with Mike Bonser, 'Sceatta Series P, The Saltire Standard, A Preliminary Survey'.
September 1999, 'The Khazars'.
Stamp & Coin Mart
May 2008, 'Searching for Sceattas'.
October 2008, 'Art in the Round'.
Nvoember 2012: 'Sceatta List'.
February 2013: 'Anglo-Saxon Counterfeits'.
The Searcher, The World of Sceats:
June 2005, 'The World of Sceats, Part 1'.
July 2005, 'The World of Sceats, Part 2'.
August 2005, 'Monsters'.
September 2005, 'Serpents'.
October 2005, 'Faces'.
November 2005, 'Figures - Part 1'.
December 2005, 'Figures - Part 2'.
January 2006, 'Twin Figures'.
February 2006, 'Quilled Figures, Part 1 - The Early Types'.
March 2006, 'Quilled Figures, Part 2 - The Main Types'.
April 2006, 'Quilled Figures, Part 3 - The Trackless Wastes'.
May 2006, 'The Diademed Bust - Part 1'.
June 2006, 'The Diademed Bust - Part 2'.
July 2006, 'Radiate Busts'.
August 2006, 'Varieties, Ancient Imittations, and Forgeries, Modernd Replicas and Fakes'.
May 2013, 'Justice Online': The Case of Mr. Goodwill Jester.
Nov 2011, 'The neglected silver coinage of early Anglo-Saxon England. A collector’s perspective'.
Coin News
Dec 2011, 'Justice Online'.
March 2012, 'Sceats on a Budget'.
Coin Collecting
Forthcoming 2018: Reassessing the gold shillings of York.
Book Reviews
Rory Naismith's book, "Money and Power in Anglo-Saxon England" in Journal of British Studies, 2013.
Elizabeth Cottam & Chris Rudd, Britain's First Coins for Stamp & Coin Mart, March 2014.
Gannon, A., 2013, British Museum, Anglo Saxon Coins I, SCBI 63 in BNJ85, 2015, p. 321-2.
Online Resources - BNS Research blog
December 2020: Iconic Sceats
December 2020: A vital clue in establishing Northumbrian chronology for early pennies
December 2020: Numismatic material of Beonna's Interlace type
December 2020: The Medals of Abraham Abramson- my coincidental namesake
November 2021: A unique joint issue of King Eanred of Northumbrian and Archbishop Eanbald II (with Bradley Hopper)
January 2023: The Peckham Gold Shilling: A unique addition to the corpus of early Anglo-Saxon gold shillings
January 2023: Early Anglo-Saxon Coins - Keeping the Corpus Current
April 2023: A second Canterbury gold shilling of Eadbald
May 2023: A New Merovingian Tremissis
May 2023: How to Kill Two Birds with One Stone
June 2023: A Fourth Specimen of the Putative Coinage of Willibrord
with Ype de Jong
Early Medieval Numismatic Bibliography